- Well, my favourite show on earth ended on Sunday night. CELEBRITY APPRENTICE!
Just kidding. It was LOST, of course.
I watched the show faithfully since 2005 (catching up on Season One during the summer before Season Two). At the start, I joined the Lost Chat Forums/Boards and discussed, debated, speculated with other fans on what we thought it all meant.
After a while, the mysteries of the island were just too much, so I sat back and enjoyed the ride. It was a maddening one, we never got answers, only more questions and though many fans poo=pooed the series finale for THAT very reason, it only made sense to me. Why would Lost make it easy for anyone? That's not the spirit of the show. And the fact that they left us with so many questions, only made me appreciate the show more.... now I can debate and speculate till the end of time.
After all, isn't it nice to think for yourself and draw your own conclusions?
That said, while I was emotionally fulfilled by the ending (how amazing was it for Jin to see his baby for the first time - albeit in purgatory/limbo, how sweet it was between Sawyer and Juliet when they were reunited, and how heroic Jack was for sacrificing himself? I may have hated Jack for many seasons but that ending, WOW, had me in tears and he really endeared himself to me... I could go on and on) I was also intellectually unsatisfied.
What was interesting though was that I always though I was about "solving" the mysteries and had a "need to know" but when it was all over I realized how much MORE I cared about the characters than the island or the plot.
THAT SAID, well I did have some questions and they are artfully posed here:
And if anyone is still confused by the ending, this recap by the great DocJensen at Entertainment Weekly (I used to rely on him weekly for his expertise in explanations):
Part One explanation
Part Two (and if you're a fan, you'll be reaching for the tissues by the end of this article)
- I know I've mentioned my love for The Babysitters Club book series before (with my own breakdown of characters) but have you checked out THIS blog: What Claudia Wore. It is so cleverly written and such a fun trip down memory lane. Oh Ann M. Martin and your team of ghostwriters... you were so fashion forward at times but mostly you hilariously miss the mark. But still, my inner child, who so desperately wanted to be part of a club (I formed a We Love Pets Club as an homage to Dawn's West Coast BSC, sadly it was short-lived after I physically lost my own cat), can't help but feel warm and fuzzy inside when I look at those pastel-coloured books so neatly lined up in a thrift store bookshelf.
Have I ever had a total Claudia Kishi outfit? I think maybe when I dressed up as an Ode to Mr. Bungle, that was about as Claudia as I get:
- Speaking of love for Young Adult books from the 90's, who can forget Sweet Valley High? Forever Young Adult does a rib-tickling recap of the books, bringing you back to those moments when you put down the book and said "Just who the hell does Lila Fowler think she is? Thinks she friggin' owns the color purple?" Just wish they do a few re-caps of Sweet Valley Twins as well (YES, I read those too).
-Should I start tearing apart Christopher Pike and R.L Stein books? Because I've read a few recently (shad up) and I think it could get ridiculous.... esp if I reenact them, as I got my friends to do:

- Can flare jeans come back please? I love the look of them, especially here:

- I've put my personal training on hold because of financial issues, but I will be taking it up in a month or so. In the meantime I am running every other day and doing weights when I can, and pretty much eating the same foods everyday.
My mother bought me a pretty rad swimsuit as a motivation factor in my toning goals, and I have until the end of June to work out like crazy so when I put it on in Seaside, Oregon (anniversary trip) I will rock the shit out of it:

- I went to my parents house, found a brand new pair of riding pants (jodphurs) that I bought years ago but never wore (never picked up riding again - did it for half my life though). Decided to MAKE THIS TREND HAPPEN.

Wore these out (NOT this exact outfit, I was trying on the pants in this iPhone pic) last night to the bar with a ripped FNM tank top, bullet belt, FNM boots... was very rock and roll meets riding instructor. Got a LOT of weird looks (I was with Eyeliah of Style Symmetry, I think she noticed some girls being like "OMG are those pants in now?" LOL) - the world is not ready for riding pants? Well they weren't ready for my gladiators when I wore them 5 years ago so screw it! I'm making this happen :P
- GIVEAWAY TIME! Was going to giveaway two items but think I'll just space em out over this month.
Leave a comment below to win this new with tags ASOS dress. Isn't the colour just amazing?

It's a size 8 UK or small. Won't fit you if you have a large bust or have a ribcage wider than 34 in. But so, so pretty. I had been searching for a gorgeous tangerine shade ever since I saw this cover of Lucky:
Dress giveaway open to all readers - I'll let this run for about a week, maybe less.
Hope you have an amazing weekend (long one for you Americans) - my bf's band's LAST SHOW EVER (they are sadly, SADLY, breaking up) is tonight so that's what I'm up to. If you're in Vancouver, come to Pub 340 before Midnight tonight! Awesome epic show + $5 Jaegerbombs! lol
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