One friend gave me the idea of having it blue and on the back of the neck. Though I knew that location was painful, I liked that I could easily hide it in ten years if I hated it.
Then I said, well I'll get it... but only the next time I see FNM and only if it's in a foreign country. I might have been drunk when I said it.
So... I figured I wouldn't have to think about it. That time would come one day.
OR NOT. I'm in Finland and I'm seeing FNM on Sunday so the time has come, hasn't it?
My cousin and I checked out a tattoo place last week, and satisfied with the service and the price we made an appointment for yesterday.
I was a freakin' train wreck. I get nervous over EVERYTHING so you can imagine how nervous I was over this tattoo. It wasn't about the permanence, it wasn't REALLY about the pain... but that I would have a panic attack and keel over. Or vomit. Or something else really embarassing.
Anyway, I was just about to chicken out when my cousin showed up to see me through.
There was a bit of back and forth with the tattoo artist over the colour and size (I wanted it smaller but then detail and colour would be lost) and then it was GO TIME.
Here I am looking extremely nervous (didn't help that Helsinki has been in an EPIC heatwave... the nighttime "lows" here are 25C (77F!) and the daytime highs are over 80F! And no one has air con, so I was sweating like a pig to begin with....
I thought I would have flinched when the needle (and boy, it's loud when it's near your head)first touched me, but I didn't. It kind of eased it's way in and didn't hurt all that much.... just felt like a hot knife carving into your neck.
That was just the black outline though... when it came to colour it in, especially at the top of the star, it really, really hurt. Like OWWWWW OMG! Kind of pain.
But in the end it only took a half hour (thank God) and the pain was soon forgotten.
Here it is right after... still scabby and bloody.
Few hours later, it's much clearer.
Then my cousins and I met up with their family at a very old bar (1865!) below their flat. Five pints of cider went down beautifully!
Adrenaline still in my veins!
Cousin beating the heat
Their mom had a tattoo as well... finally, I am REALLY Finnish! :P
We all have the same grandma :) Can you tell?
Good times!
I made it back home at midnight, it was still light enough outside to read... a great end to a memorable day :)
by the way, you like the bag and belt? 12Euros at UFF, their famous second-hand shop. The bag is unbelievably gorgeous, hand-tooled leather from North Africa... I can't wait to show you close-up photographs of it, it was a real lucky find!
Tank: F1; Sandals: GoJane; Belt and Bag: UFF thrift store; hat: Target; Skirt: thrifted
The best tattoo machine you'll ever find at
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