So here's what I'm going to do. Because this year I've felt zero Xmas spirit at all (had a lot on my mind distracting me), I'm going to recall some times in my youth that I really, really was convinced Santa Claus was real. I mean, I knew. He was real.
The first one:
My mother used to be a flight attendant for Air Canada, was for about 20 years or so. Sometimes she had to work on Xmas so it would be my father taking care of us.
One Xmas eve she called as soon as the plane landed (wherever she was). She said she that while the plane was in the air, that the pilot announced to the passengers that Santa Claus was sighted off the side of the plane and if you looked out the window you could see him and the reindeer. My mom said she looked and it was true.
Minutes later, Santa himself actually walked down the aisle and handed out presents to everyone on board. How cool is that? (really, props to Air Can because that was true).
The second one:
Christmas Eve. I was about 7 or 8. Everyone was settled in the living room. We used to live in Point Grey in this really long, tall house that had at least 6 flights of stairs and a roofdeck.
We celebrate Xmas eve more than Xmas day because we are Scandinavian, so we had our good Scandy friends over. I remember everyone was together downstairs by the tree because suddenly someone (may have been my half brother) yelled "it's Santa!"
We looked just in time to see a blur of red rush up the dark staircase. It was someone all right.
Well we all got to our feet and ran after him, I was at the front with the other kids and we raced up those stairs, only one stairlength behind him the whole time. He ran all the way up to the roofdeck but by the time we got up there, there was no one there.
There were footprints in the snow, some even looked like hoofprints, but honestly, he was gone.
To this day, I really don't know what happened there. Where did he go (we checked everywhere) and who the hell was that person running through our house anyway?
By the time we made our way back downstairs, there were more presents under the tree.
Seemed like Santa might have been running interference for my parents ;0)
SO FOLKS: as I leave you with those stories on this soggy Christmas Eve, I ask you to leave a similar story below. Anytime you remember as a child where you really thought "wow Santa IS real?"
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