Thursday, March 17, 2011

Project Inspiration: Mood-Boarding

Mood boarding… do you do it?? I do! AND if you don’t you should definitely start! My board is where I throw everything I want to look at each season or even from day to day… Mood boarding is a proven technique used to organize ideas and inspirations in the early stages of your creative process. Most of the mood boards in my life are not only clippings and tear sheet type collage compilations of sorts (most im not really even sure where they came from or how they even got there), but also now screen grabs and jpeg files swiped from all over the web! Creating a moodboard helps me pin down an overall visual feeling and steers the direction of whatever Im working on. They can be created on the web, in your home, on a canvas, or a cork-board wherever you may please, but really are such ah-mazing medium for many levels of creative expression! Here is how to make one!

What are you trying to design, create or gain inspiration for? Once you decide, you can start collecting and compiling.
Gather up all you images, objects, clippings etc that are going to help inspire your project and or design… For example if I am working on a new line earrings, I will put together a moodboard that is compiled of pics inspiring the color I am going for. I love finding new color pallets that go well together helping me create an amazing finished product!
Once you have enough pics and other inspiring objects, pick your focal point, tack & glue or cut in paste (vitural moodboarding) it all in place and let the inspiration flow! Below are just a few of my favorite all time inspirational web created mood boards!

(All photos curtosey of pinterest)

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