I left Vancouver on April 9th, crossed the border and flew out of Seattle to San Francisco (as per usual, it seems)
Saw Queens of the Stone Age in Oakland, CA. Wrote my review (here)
Flew back to Seattle. Met up with Le BF. Saw the Deftones in Seattle. Wrote about it here. Met band again (this time my BF got to meet them - yay!)
Drove through shit Oregon weather for 8 hours (major accidents on I-5)
To get to Ashland, Oregon
Next day we hit Lake Shasta
And then Sacramento, where we both got hit with the flu
Essentials for sore throats and road trips
In Fresno, heading for Tulare, California...
Now road tripping to Las Vegas
This pose, with this bear, by this tree, is now tradition
Had a whirlwind tour of Vegas with fellow blogger A Crazy Princess (she and her Prince Charming helped us win $150 at Blackjack - first time I ever played and on $20)
Then drove like hell to Palm Springs
to meet with my filmmaker friend in time to shoot the trailer for the second book.
A few precious days relaxing in Palm Springs, my parent's new condo all to ourselves. Ahh bliss
Then the zoo...it was really hot out
And The Big Four! Ultra VIP for the win! Jerry Cantrell again! Lombardo again! Slayer from sidestage! And one impressed BF. Oh and I wrote about it here
Next day, had to leave back to Sacramento
A night at the haunted Benson Hotel in Portland, Oregon
Home just in time to watch the Canucks beat the Blackhawks in Game 7 of the playoffs (lucky shirt helped)

Now May, well MAY IS ANOTHER STORY. And I'm not even halfway through it. A lot has to do with, Oh, I don't know MY BOOK BEING PUBLISHED. Here's the front and back cover, in case you missed my Facebook and Tweets about it:
Oh and speaking of Facebook, please like it. People who like Experiment in Terror do 50% better in life than people who don't. Or something to that affect. Plus people who like it on Facebook get exclusive access to autographed copies... just sayin' ;P
SO here's the thing. My book will published this Friday, May 13th. I can't believe I'm actually (god willing) going to make this deadline.
I'll be posting the Trailer for DARKHOUSE here as soon as it's ready. Also, I'll be blogging here again before Friday to tell you where you can read a sample chapter of the book for free, where the E-book and print books are available and all that stuff.
And I should probably do a video blog (VLOG! My first one) too.
Anyway, what I am trying to say is... come back. I miss you all!
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