Friday, September 24, 2010

A week of leather/pleather jackets - Day Five


Five days of posting EVERY DAY is pretty epic. For me, anyway. But here I am, still plugging away.

I wore my infamous aqua jacket (you know the one that was marked down from $1080 to like $20 cuz it's "discoloured") on a beautiful September day. Went out for drinks with my friend Odette, sat in the burning sunshine and said good bye to what was probably the last nice day of the year. Le sigh.

Good news though, I finally was able to take some photos by this mural that's around the corner from my apartment. Even better news... I kind of match! Pastels FTW.







Jacket: Liliu; Silk tank: F21; Skirt: Catherine Malandrino; Bag: Mango MNG; Belt: ASOS; Sandals: Kelsi Dagger.

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