Wednesday, January 11, 2012

All about Sisterhood

Hoje em dia, parece que a indústria da moda está fascinada com irmãs.
As relações entre irmãs desde à muito tempo que são alvo de curiosidade e até fascínio, as rivalidades, amizades, cumplicidades, sendo retratadas en inúmeras séries, filmes e, até, editoriais.
As gémeas Olsen, consideradas as mais bem vestidas pela Vogue no ano passado , Elle e Dakota Fanning, capa da W de Dezembro e nesse mesmo mês um artigo/editorial dedicado especialmente a irmãs famosas. 
E, de facto, nalguns casos parece que a moda e estilo lhes corre nas veias, que é algo que lhes foi passado pelos genes, que nasceram para ser it girls, outras foram ganhando essa "veia" com o passar dos anos e depois de algumas más escolhas.
O que é certo é que agora são consideradas algumas das mulheres mais bem vestidas momento, e algumas delas nem 18 anos têm, é inacreditável.
Como Cara e Poppy Delevingne, que em qualquer evento em que apareçam apresentam-se sempre perfeitas quer num estilo casual ou num look red carpet, mas mantendo-se sempre fiéis ao seu estilo, ou as irmãs Brandolini e as Courtin-Clarins. E o que têm em comum todas elas? Inspiram a forma de vestir de muitas pessoas pelo mundo fora, são verdadeiras trendsetters.

Nowadays it seems like the fashion industry is fascinated with sisters.
The relationships between siblings have been for a long time a target of curiosity and fascination, their rivalries, friendships, complicity, their bond, being transported to numerous tv shows and movies and even editorials.
The Olsen twins, considered the most stylish by Vogue last year, Elle and Dakota Fanning at the cover of W in December and on that same issue of the magazine an article/editorial specially dedicated to celebrity sisters.
And, it's a fact, that in some cases it seems like they have fashion and style running through their veins, like it's something that was passed to them by their genes, that they were born to be it girls, others were just gaining that sense of style throughout the years and after some bad choices.
But what matters is that they are some of the best well dressed women of the moment, and some of them aren't even 18, it's unbelievable.
Like Cara and Poppy Delevingne which in whatever event they appear they present themselves perfectly whether it is on a casual style or a red carpet look, but always sticking to their own style, or the Brandolini sisters or even the Courtin-Clarins. And what do they all have in common? They inspire the way of dressing of women throughout the world, they're real trendsetters.

Poppy and Cara Delevingne

 Photo from W December 2011- Soul Sisters

Bianca and Coco Brandolini

 Photo from W December 2011 - Soul Sisters

Courtin-Clarins Sisters

Photo from W December 2011 Virginie and Claire Courtin-Clarins - Soul Sisters

Claire, Virginie, Jenna and Prisca Courtin-Clarins

Haya and Sama Abu Khadra

Photo from W December 2011 - Soul Sisters

Ashley and Mary Kate Olsen

Elle and Dakota Fanning

Samantha, Vanessa and Victoria Traina

 Photo from W December 2011 - Soul Sisters

Full interviews and other photos of Soul Sisters on W Magazine.

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